Saturday, July 5, 2008

Slacker Mama.................

"Procrastination is a silly thing it only makes me sorrow... but I can do it anytime I think I will tomorrow" (anonymous). I think that is my motto for this blog because posting every 3 - 6 months does not a blogger make me.
The girls are growing by micromillimeters every single day. I think it is more noticable in McKayDee than it is in Jennaka. McKayDee's hair is also finally growing... YEAH!!! Now I won't have to correct everybody when they tell me what a cute boy I have. Although I have to admit I have the cutest picures of McKayDee and Jennaka in a little tuxedo (just for the fun of it).
McKayDee is really starting to put together sentences. She'll say something like, "I have hair in mouth, mommy" or "My dolly sleeping over there". It is so fun to see them go through the different stages that they do while growing up (walking, talking, riding bikes etc). Sometimes I think it would be fun to have another baby but I also like to fact that the girls are getting old enough to do things on their own now. McKayDee is still our clumsy little one-shoed Monkey. She is always bumping her head or tripping over things. If we get her to her second and third birthdays without too many bumps it will be a miracle. She loves shoes and you can usually find her walking around the house with just one shoe on hence the name, "one shoed monkey".
Jennaka is in the thick of the "terrible threes" right now. Whoever coined the term, "terrible twos" most likely didn't have any older children because I talk to a lot of parents who can attest that three is much harder than two ever was. Jennaka wants to be first at everything, she wants to wear the clothes that she wants to wear, she has taken to physical aggression with her sister to get her way with things. She says, "NO!" more often now than she ever did while she was two. Heaven help us!!!!!!!!! She is very sweet and loving in many ways though. She is for the most part fun-loving and happy. She just has a few "moments" here and there.
I am so grateful to be their mom. I love my girls soooooo much and although I still need my alone time to rejuvenate I love when we are together singing, "There was an old lady who swallowed a fly" and laughing and giggling.


mom/Anne said...

Hey girlfriend! I have been thinking about you alot lately! Did you ever get into a better home in Sugar House? How are you doing with daycare? What is Lois up to? I have wanted to write or call but have lost your phone number and the address I have for you is old. WHERE ARE YOU?

I was happy to hear that you are trying to come back to church. How's that going? Hang in there! It's totally worth it.

love you